Home Seller’s Checklist to a Successful Sale

How to Achieve the Most Money, with the Least Hassles, in the Shortest Amount of Time.

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Beginning to think about selling your home? Prepping your home for listing is the most important stage of the selling process, yet it tends to be overlooked by many.

If you’re working with the right real estate agent to lead this process, the investment will provide you with higher returns, fewer headaches, and a rewarding experience.

The 6 P’s have been game-changers in guiding my pre-listing process for clients, including our family’s own recent home sale. Read on to learn more about how you can achieve a financially rewarding and stress-free home sale experience in any market.

1. Plan for Your Sale and Next Move

First things first: it’s absolutely critical to work with a realtor you trust. This is especially important when creating an overall plan for your sale. Your realtor should lead this planning process which will include listing preparation details, coordinating purchase plans if you are buying another home, creating a timeline, to-do items, and next steps.

Things to consider during planning:

  • Do you have certain needs around a closing date?
  • Do you need to sell in order to purchase your next home?
  • Do you have existing dates or obligations that will impact the timeline?
  • Do you need local connections (lender, contractors, etc.)?
  • Are there specific needs with your purchase and sale?

A thoughtful plan from the beginning will make the entire process easier. Be sure to discuss this with your agent so important details are not missed. Doing it right the first time pays off in the end versus rushing to get your home on the market without a clear plan.

Your plan is your roadmap. It’s your key to selling successfully — without the stress. Don’t wing it!

2. Purify + Reset

While we’re in the spirit of planning, this is an ideal time to plan out your home reset and go through the drawers you’ve been avoiding. Getting rid of items (trash/recycle, donate, keep) often gets overlooked during the prep and moving process.

Purifying the piles of “stuff” helps you twofold. Not only will this help you produce a better-looking home for photos and showings, it gives you a fresh start in your new space.

Not sure where to start with the process? One of my favorite resources for those who are about to move is this House Purge Guide from Joanna Organize.

3. Prep for Photo Day and Showings

Now that you’ve cleared out a few things, you will want to prepare each space (interior and exterior) for professional photos. This process will be even easier after the previous step is complete!

The main areas to consider when getting ready for the photographer to arrive are cleanliness and style. It’s okay to have a few personal touches that give it personality, but consider:

  • Removing family photos, personalized wall art, etc.
  • Clearing countertops and reducing the amount of items out in the open
  • Rearranging or removing furniture for an open feel
  • Staging areas of the home as needed

There are a few extra steps I take for my clients to ensure we are showcasing the space as beautifully as possible. I ensure the home is magazine-ready by leading the style direction of your home so you don’t have to. I create a personalized plan specific for your home and take care of professional photography, measurements, floor plans, and marketing so your home truly shines. Whether it’s a vacant home or just needs a little something, we provide styling guidance and take care of the rest.

Examples of this might include: changing a wall color, removing certain artwork, or adding an outdoor furniture in the front patio for a strong first impression. It’s not just important that my clients feel their home is well-represented – it’s smart business.

4. Paint and Home Touchups

Have a few walls that look dull and scuffed? Perhaps there are some unique colors that may not jive with the next owners? Consider applying a fresh coat where necessary to increase appeal. The less a buyer needs to do to the home, the stronger the offer they’re likely to give.

While you have the rollers out, it’s a great time to assess any low wall marks from children or pets that may go unseen day-to-day. Fill any small holes or dents and freshen those up. That’s why I always recommend keeping small cans of your wall colors on hand!

Other touchups may include things like: upgrading old/yellow light switches, making sure lightbulb color temperatures match (don’t mix daylight and soft white in a room), or other minor repairs you’ve been putting off. Help create a space with a buyer’s perspective in mind.

5. Pre-Inspection

I recommend a pre-inspection to everyone — it’s a no-brainer and adds value to your successful sale. Getting a pre-inspection gives you much more power in deciding what repairs you will make and who will make them, cuts down on the potential for negotiations while under contract, brings better offers, and reduces chances of a deal falling through. For around $600 or less, this investment could end up saving you $$ in potential repairs while earning even more with competitive offers.

Your pre-inspection report will include all items the home inspector identified, including any unseen issues lurking. You and your real estate agent will work together to determine what repairs you plan to address. Your realtor should be an active resource for you and have reliable contractors they know of. I keep a preferred list of local contractors for my clients so they don’t have to play the Google search guessing game.

Ultimately, pre-inspections eliminate surprises from popping up once you are under contract and provide buyers with a sense of security – which means more, competitive offers.

6. Professional Cleaning

Last but certainly not least, you want to make sure your space is standing out for all the right reasons. Studies show that a clean and tidy environment helps you feel emotionally lighter and happier in your day-to-day. It’s also a smart investment for attracting potential buyers.

What do photos fail to disclose that a buyer will pick up on right away? Smell. If the house isn’t properly cleaned, buyers will likely start to wonder what else was not taken care of? A deep clean tackles the hard-to-reach areas and ensures no areas are missed that a buyer may notice. If you have dogs or cats, invest in professional carpet cleaning where it’s needed.

Hiring a professional cleaning service to assist also takes that extra weight off your shoulders and gives you more time to focus on your move and next steps. 

Whatever stage you’re at in buying or selling, I would love to connect and help make sure your home selling process is a financially rewarding, enjoyable experience. Contact me so we can get started on your next successful sale.

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